Knitting Sustainability in the Fabric Production

Global warming is putting great threats in the pockets of the entire world. You can see the newspaper headlines demonstrating the impact of pollution. Every day the news comes up of the melting earth demanding severe solutions. The third major contributor to this cause is the Textile industry. Among all the sorts of pollution, water pollution comes to the fore through these industries. This is one of the prime reasons for a shift towards sustainable fabrics. This write-up will share the details of these fabrics and the sorts of fabrics you can use. 

What are sustainable fabrics?

Sustainable fabric is an organically produced fabric from natural resources such as plants by integrating eco-friendly techniques. In the cultivation of these crops, you can see the use of chemicals and water is minimal. 

For this reason, recycled fabric manufacturers in India are adopting these techniques in their manufacturing plants. 

Besides this, you can also see that youngsters are creating trends using old clothes instead of purchasing new clothes. This is counted as a move to eliminate any harm to the environment. 

Now, you can look at the technologies and techniques used by these manufacturers in the next section. 

How Sustainable Clothing is produced?

Discover what are the latest innovations used by the leading recycled fabric manufacturers in India. 

  • Renewable Energy Consumption

Industries these days are using energy from solar plants and windmills. They have plants located in the remote areas equipped for producing the renewable energy. Additionally, reports revealed about 70% of energy is produced through these sources. 

  • Water Consumption

These industries are installing methods that are water efficient. Among these, some of them have shifted towards waterless washing technologies like eFlow and Ozone. In addition to this, consumed water is being recycled and RO water is used for screen and drum washing. Through this, about 80% of the water is being recovered successfully for reuse. 

  • Chemical Use

Another shift has been seen in the proportion of the chemicals. These industries are using fewer chemicals and are relying more on organic dyes such as Indigo, Henna, turmeric, and more for sustainable fabrics

By using these unique methodologies, sustainability is maintained. 


These industries are revolutionising the ways fabric is produced. They are aiming to contribute an equal share between trend and sustainability goals.


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